Sunday, August 29, 2010

Kami mengunjungi Pantai

Wow another week gone adn so much has happened. Between starting classes (the stress of it really wasn't that bad), meeting new people, fasting, breaking fast and continual socialising with our new found friends the idea of spending a weekend relaxing at the beach was just what I needed and the fact that I hadn't been to the beach in the 3 week since I arrived! (Well relaxing might be the wrong word to describe it but it was fun all the same).

After Ina was forced to pull out of the beach, we scrambled to find rides on the back of bikess there - 2 hours on the back of a bike is NOT fun and NOT relaxing! By the time we arrived we were sore and sunburnt but soo excited (even more so when we saw the location of the beach in relation to our house). With the ocean literally located 20 m from our front door it was going to be an awesome weekend regardless.

Walking straight out the door into the ocean was EPIC though slightly dangerous once we got our drink on and even more so when we got more of our drink on.

Food was awesome with the WORLD'S BEST TEMPE!!!YUMMM! The company even better - though hazy at times - and we made some excellent friends in the process.

Highlights of the weekend included
  • crumbed helmet wearing chickens
  • drunken swimming (stupid in retrospect)
  • a creepy massage guy
  • an even creepier developer taking photos of me sleeping on the porch
  • and the list goes on.......................
Hope everyone is well back home. Next weekend SUMATRA for Idul Fitri! YAY!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mulai Kelas - kelas kosong, grammar and gamelan

Well today I finally started classes a they were......interesting!

My first class today was at 9am so like a diligent bule I arrived at class on time (the scheduled class time is really just a suggestion and usually they'll start at least 15 minutes late. However, 15 minutes later there was still no sign of a lecturer and then an office member rocked up telling us our dosen was sakit! Then not 2 minutes later another guy turns up and "dosen ada operasi gigi"! Hmmmm what to believe???? So our first kelas kosong!

Kelas tata bahasa was next and that was like a proper class - we did our first test and everything (although it seems bizarre seeing as we hadn't learnt anything at all)!

THEN GAMELAN untuk mahasiswa asing! Well turns out gamelan for foreigners was a class with 9 bules and about 100 new students (waduh!) - though funny because the lecturers decided to tell everyone else they had to make another class because statistically bules were better at gamelan?????hmmm don't know about that!

After that we went to the cafeteria and WADUH kehujanan! Intense tropical storm!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


On Thursday this week we went to visit Borobodur. Borobodur is the largest Buddhist monument in the world and the size is amazing (although it is very touristy)!

I think pictures speak louder than words so ill let them do the talking

Sampai Nanti

Friday, August 20, 2010

Puasa (Fasting)

What a hectic week! With organising uni which starts next week, getting orientated with Yogya and socialising A LOT I haven't had much of a break.

As part of making Yogya my home for the next 6 months and immersing myself in the Javanese culture I've decided to take part in Puasa (or fasting) this week- for a couple of days at least.

Since it's Lebaran/Ramadan the Muslim population of the world is fasting from dawn to dusk so as to cleanse their bodies. No eating, drinking, smoking, consumption of alcohol etc. for the entire fasting period. Fasting month in Yogya is crazy everyone gets up at 3am for their last meal, last glass of water and last smoke before the day begins. Warungs are opened everywhere for a couple of hours and home delivery of food parcels at 3am is common practice. When the first call to prayer is heard at 4.30 the food and drink is immediately put down and the more seriously Muslims head to mosque for the morning prayers. Others pray at home, whilst others (seemingly the majority) save up their prayers for later and head back to bed. This dynamic mix of religious practice is interesting and refreshing. The dedication and faith shown by the Islamic population to fast (even those who only do it every few days) is truly inspiring - not to say that I'm going to go and convert tomorrow.

This week I did Puasa on Wednesday and Friday (Wednesday was full Puasa - so no eating or drinking of any description). Friday was so abnormally hot I has to drink some water (although I refrained considerably). It's actually surprisingly easy it is when you put your mind to it. Wednesday as my first attempt I was prepared to drink water I needed but it was like riding a bike up a hill. Your all energy at first and then you begin to dwindle and need a rest (a 2hour nap in my case) and then u start again with fresh momentum. And then you arrive at your destination totally fulfilled.

Friday in contrast was difficult. It was hot and we didn't stop all day and despite drinking a little water by the buka puasa I was definitely headachey and a little weak. I was also demonstrably more dehydrated and it took a while to bring myself back but it is so fulfilling to fast.

When puasa breaks at 5.45 the streets are positively festive. People transcend onto the warungs. The cigarettes, juices, water and food is whipped out and consumed until sold out. Buskers, ladyboys and beggars are out in force and all this combines to make a very entertaining and vibrant couple of hours.

And then it all starts again the next day. Truly amazing. This experience has helped me to realise the necessity to try everything you can when living abroad. To take up every opportunity. The Indonesian's love that you're trying to understand what they're going through (or just think it's hilarious). Either way it's something that needs to be experienced first hand.

Next week I'm thinking of doing several consecutive days to try and experience what Lebaran in really like. Hopefully I can manage!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pindahkan dan craziness

Well my first week in Yogya has sped by! Between moving into a hotel, moving out of a hotel,looking for a kos, finding a kos and moving into a kos the exhaustion is beginning to hit! Add to that copious amounts of socialising a bit of official business and shopping and you can see why I'm struggling,

But complaints out of the way I love it here. I've gone from the luxury of a flushing toilet and a shower to a toilet tht u manually flush and a bak mandi (a tub u throw water over yourself) and I wouldn't have it any other way.

So far I haven't been home before 12 at night doing all sorts of things and the ability to do things without drunken people is a refreshing change. We often go out for a midnight drink which is wonderful.

As for yogya I'd describe it as one big food-fest. Life here revolves around it - esoecially during fasting month. In the afternoon the streets gradually become lined with warungs and food miraculously appears out of nowhere and at 5.45 at break of puasa the streets become alive with festivities. It's like a party every night.

As with the indonesian people they are all fabulous and sooo cruisy. Many of my friends are what they refer to as democratic muslims. They do fast but in everyday life they embrace modernity - ask any of them how many phones they have and it will be at least 2 with one being a blackberry or an iphone. Many of them drink and go clubbing and basically live like us. Its not what you'd expect from a majority Muslim area. And the language is a mixture of indonesian bahasa gaul and english leading to some amusing yet complicated usage of communication.

Tonight is independence day however because of lebaran celebrations are limited. Tomorrow I'm planning to fast to see what it's like and to prove I can do it! This involves waking up at 3am to eat breakfast and drink plenty of water. After that I can't consume anything until 5.45 (although I'm giving myself the option of water if I need).

Sudah capek. Selamat Malam

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Two days in Yogya and i'm in love with it - though the idea that i dont have somewhere to live is niggling (is that a word) at the back of my mind.

The weather is stifling hot, even by yogya standards and i have become extremely well acquainted with the hotel shower.

Today was form filling (blek) and fingerprinting (not as cool as it sounds; we just felt like criminals for the day). Although this arvo we went Kos hunting which was kind of cool but disappointing at the same time. I got on a scooter for the first time today and I didnt fall off! Not driving one yet because i dont have an indo license and therefore not covered by UWA insurance, also it scares the crap out of me but we'll see.

Puasa or fasting month started today and although we spent the day filing in forms and house hunting I can already see the faith and festivities involved in the process. Once I get a Kos i will probably try (but we've been advised not to give up water like you're supposed to).

Tonight we went to some crazy place for drinks with Fikri (the ACICIS Office assistant who's so cute but kind of crazy - and about a foot shorter than me) and Sophies pendamping Ina. And what do you know, Fikri knows everyone!!! We ended up having juice with a group of 15 or so Indonesians which was cool but dont ask me to repeat one persons name because i dont know.

As of yet I still havent taken a photo (oops) - i should prob drag the camera out sometime.

Sampai Besok

Monday, August 9, 2010

Ok, well i've arrived in Yogya and after a crazy stop over in KL (plus a two hour bus ride to the city and another two hour ride back) i'm exhausted! Two 4am mornings = sad Alex.

Yogya from what i've seen far is amazing and the area out the front of UGM is bustling and just sooo Indo.

Only problem is 1 shared room (with someone i met today) and one double bed! Well we'll know each other by the end of the week anyway!

Hope all is well in Aust.