Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pindahkan dan craziness

Well my first week in Yogya has sped by! Between moving into a hotel, moving out of a hotel,looking for a kos, finding a kos and moving into a kos the exhaustion is beginning to hit! Add to that copious amounts of socialising a bit of official business and shopping and you can see why I'm struggling,

But complaints out of the way I love it here. I've gone from the luxury of a flushing toilet and a shower to a toilet tht u manually flush and a bak mandi (a tub u throw water over yourself) and I wouldn't have it any other way.

So far I haven't been home before 12 at night doing all sorts of things and the ability to do things without drunken people is a refreshing change. We often go out for a midnight drink which is wonderful.

As for yogya I'd describe it as one big food-fest. Life here revolves around it - esoecially during fasting month. In the afternoon the streets gradually become lined with warungs and food miraculously appears out of nowhere and at 5.45 at break of puasa the streets become alive with festivities. It's like a party every night.

As with the indonesian people they are all fabulous and sooo cruisy. Many of my friends are what they refer to as democratic muslims. They do fast but in everyday life they embrace modernity - ask any of them how many phones they have and it will be at least 2 with one being a blackberry or an iphone. Many of them drink and go clubbing and basically live like us. Its not what you'd expect from a majority Muslim area. And the language is a mixture of indonesian bahasa gaul and english leading to some amusing yet complicated usage of communication.

Tonight is independence day however because of lebaran celebrations are limited. Tomorrow I'm planning to fast to see what it's like and to prove I can do it! This involves waking up at 3am to eat breakfast and drink plenty of water. After that I can't consume anything until 5.45 (although I'm giving myself the option of water if I need).

Sudah capek. Selamat Malam

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