Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Two days in Yogya and i'm in love with it - though the idea that i dont have somewhere to live is niggling (is that a word) at the back of my mind.

The weather is stifling hot, even by yogya standards and i have become extremely well acquainted with the hotel shower.

Today was form filling (blek) and fingerprinting (not as cool as it sounds; we just felt like criminals for the day). Although this arvo we went Kos hunting which was kind of cool but disappointing at the same time. I got on a scooter for the first time today and I didnt fall off! Not driving one yet because i dont have an indo license and therefore not covered by UWA insurance, also it scares the crap out of me but we'll see.

Puasa or fasting month started today and although we spent the day filing in forms and house hunting I can already see the faith and festivities involved in the process. Once I get a Kos i will probably try (but we've been advised not to give up water like you're supposed to).

Tonight we went to some crazy place for drinks with Fikri (the ACICIS Office assistant who's so cute but kind of crazy - and about a foot shorter than me) and Sophies pendamping Ina. And what do you know, Fikri knows everyone!!! We ended up having juice with a group of 15 or so Indonesians which was cool but dont ask me to repeat one persons name because i dont know.

As of yet I still havent taken a photo (oops) - i should prob drag the camera out sometime.

Sampai Besok

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