Saturday, November 20, 2010

Evacuation Vacation

After a couple of weeks of rather large volcanic activity, a 'suggested' trip to the beach and days of wearing masks and inhaling ash all of us ACICIS students were ordered to re-locate from Jogja for a week or withdraw from the program. This was a decision made in conjunction with our at home universities and considered the best option for our health and livelihoods (Jogja at that point was empty and frankly depressing) .We all took this order on board and decided to make the most of our 'evacuation vacation.' For some of us it meant evacuating to Surabaya, other's it was a trip to the big smoke Jakarta (though the air there is worse than jojga air), others it was to Bandung and for me it was a trip to Bali.

After a quick night and day stop over in Surabaya, where we caught up with Rifqy, it was off for a week of relaxation in Bali - or not as was the case. Our 'relaxing week off' ended up a week of partying, travelling and partying more.

DAY 1: Arrive in Bali, go directly to Sanur, check into hotel, swim, walk, eat, head to Kuta, drink and party until 4am, go home.

DAY 2: Wake up around 11, try to eat, throw up, go for a swim, throw up, go to sleep, throw up, shower, through up, swim, through up, eat dinner, throw up.........well you get the gist of it. Go clubbing again, arrive home at 5am, sleep.

DAY 3: Wakeup, pack up, meet Katrina, head up to Ubud, swim, visit monkey forest, go for a long walk (obviously my idea), eat and chill out.

DAY 4: Chill out in a cafe for the morning, walk and visit the markets, swim, head back to kuta, check into hotel, meet Katrina's new British friend, meet Katrina's brother and dad, pre-dinner drink, dinner, bar, dancing (with Katrina's drunk dad), Dimas gets grumpy, Dimas storms off, 2 hours looking for Dimas, 3am skinny dipping, bed).

DAY 5: Wake up, find Dimas passed out on the front porch, swim, beach walk and swim, breakfast, pack up, meet katrina's dad and brother, head to village near Tabanan (Katrina's mums village), arrive, eat, sleep, chill out, Katrina's party starts, traditional dances, everyone leaves, Coco (Kat's cousin) and all the village boys pull out the arak, drunk on arak, sleep.

DAY 6: Visit the monkey forest, chill out, eat a lot, relax, eat more, play cards and drink G&T, early night.

DAY 7: Wake up early and head to kuta, meet Sina (by mistake), drop our stuff in her hotel room, eat, walk, foot reflexology, eat, facial, pick up our stuff, airport, flight, travel (mini-bus) to jogja, home 6am.

Argghhhhhhhh what a crazy week. Next time much more chilling out to be done!

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