Monday, May 2, 2011

Finally an Update

Well it's been about two months now since I've updated my blog. Partly because I've been lazy, partly because I've been busy, partly because I feel life here is sudah biasa and finally mostly because I've been lazy :p

In the last two months so much has happened I don't know where to begin so ill just mention a few highlights:
*Lots of eating, drinking (non-alcoholic drinks), and nongkrong
*Making lots of new friends both Indonesian and bule
* A trip to the beach and terrible sunburn
* Lots of homework and group work
* A new boyfriend
*Volunteer teaching at the local vegetarian restaurant
* Observation and teaching at a local school
* A visit by the parents
* A trip to Batu Karas, in West Jave
* A trip to Blora in the North East of Central Java
*Another birthday
* Two weddings of random people I don't know
* Two promo videos for the Sheraton Hotel here
* and lots of other random, crazy and fun stuff

Today I've been given an assignment to write everyday - in Indonesian - which involves me keeping a daily blog from now on and a lot of Indonesian practice. I will try and update in english as well.

Until next time

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