Sunday, September 26, 2010

Aku Malas Dong!

So i've now been back in Yogya for over a week and haven't updated! Maaf! This past week has been filed with a variety of experiences, both drunken and sober. I have now experienced my first trip to an Indonesian hospital and excessive Indonesian medicine, seen another appearance of Candi, gone caving at Gunung Kidul, experienced Krakal and Bukit Bintang at sunset, joined a gym and done Aerobics, watched jazz, eaten a lot, gone to an 80s theme foreigner party, and basically done a lot.

Monday we went to our first aerobics class and it was hilarious. We walked in late (jam karet) only to have no teacher. Five minutes later in walked the teacher complete in her 80s style exercise out fit. Short shorts cover with a lycra skirt and mid-drift top. The class itself made me laugh so much. My distinct lack of coordination meant I kept tripping over my feet and generally being a major klutz.

After aerobics Katrina and I decided to be rajin, collected out computers and went to study. We managed to get a couple of hours in and then were met by Fajar who decided he wanted to take us to Bukit Bintang to watch the sunset. It was definately worth it even though we boncenged for nearly two hours on the back of speedy gonzales bike.We then got a message that friends of ours were going to nanamias (apparently it's the best pizza in Yogya) for dinner so we got back on the bikes raced back to Yogya, ate and then ended up and then ended up sitting on a mat listening to live jazz, it was amazing.

Tuesday I woke up with a headache, a cold and just a general feeling of being unwell. After struggling through 6 hours of class i was beat. In spite of this we all trudged to moviebox and watched Merah Putih. An Indonesian movie about the revolution and the struggle for independence. Despite it being an Indonesian movie it was surprisingly well made and we're definately going to watch the second one soon.

Wednesday I was still sick so slept in and then did homework until class started at 1pm. My friend Dimas returned after an exceedingly long trip (well it was only 3 weeks but seemed longer) home to Kalimantan. We met him after class, drunk coffee and then went to Matt's kos to eat sate that had been brought all the way from Kalimantan. It was delicious. It's tradition here to buy souvenirs from whereever you go. This can be anything from foodstuffs to small gifts like bracelets. I went home pretty early though because of a raging fever and being really really unwell.

Thursday = Indonesian Hospital. Since dengue and typhoid are rampant here and i had been unwell with a fever for 3 days Ina took me to hospital to see a doctor. I found it quite intimidating (i had doctors at the best of times) and since my indonesian is still very basic i couldn't communicate enough. Lucky for me Ina is a medical student and knows exactly how to get things happening. I went into the public clinic and came out with a prescriptions for 5 different medicines.I am now also a member of an Indonesian hospital and have the card to prove it.

Thursday was also Yasmin's birthday so we headed to Pondok Cabe for food with all our local and international friends. Luckily I was feeling heaps better and afterwards we went to a cafe where fun was had by all - cake was brought out, candles were blown out several times and singing was continued for several minutes as we went through both the indonesian and english versions.

I was determined I would be healthy by friday because I was going out partying - one thing about living here is everything is new so you dont want to be sick and miss out. We had an 80s theme party with the international students fondly nicknamed "The Hot Germans" although theyre from all over Europe. It was a messy night by all and we ended up at a club all incredibly intoxicated. Candi made another welcome appearance.

Saturday we all were nursing hangovers so it was a day for AFL, movies and being relaxing. The brave managed to keep Australian's proud by drinking beer and yelling at the screen. The rest of us sipped ice tea, discussed boys in short shorts, and slept. We also went to moviebox and watched Napoleon Dynamite. I'm not entirely sure the Indonesians got the point of the movie but it was amusing all the same. We pulanged early because Sunday was a day for extreme caving and adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Candi came out quite a bit this week hey! Naughty girl that one...
