Friday, September 10, 2010

Lebaran Day

Waduh!!! Crazy day! After getting up at 6.30 to eat and put on our traditional Muslim clothing the day just got crazier and crazier.
We started the day at the mosque for morning prayers (or in our case to take photos).
Cruising with Ina's Family and the Head of Local Government
Unfortunately due to miscommunication between ina and her dad we arrived to late for Ina and Fika to join the mass prayer - not that Ina cared much. After taking a number of photos we left (on motorbike - not easy to sit on side saddle) and drove around looking at various services. The other main service was on a field in the town where hundreds also gathered for mass prayer. It was quite a sight.
On returning home we were greeted by a number of visitors (many from the local orphanage that Ina's father sponsers). It is traditional on Lebaran Day to go visit family (or in our case important officials) to show respect and gratitude. Because Ina's dad is fairly wealthy and known throughout the town there were many visitors whom were none family members. After salam (saying goodbye) to the first stream of visitors it was off to start visiting people.
The 7 of us squeezed into a car (only a Jazz) and drove to the first stop of the day, the grandmas house. There we ate and had photos with everyone and then as quickly as we arrived we departed to the next house. After this it was funny. We went to visit the head of the military (not home), the head and sub-head of local government (both of whom we had numerous photos with) and the head of local police who was quick to introduce us to his son!!!!
We arrived back at Ina's and had a quick nap before the next stream of visitors arrived - this time with a bunch of kids who, in my opinion, had consumed too much sugar. Now I'm all for kids being themselves but it's a bit much when you end up with 5 kids attached to you and a rabbit on your lap! Arghhh!
Taking us to now where sophie and I are hiding out in Ina's room pretending to be asleep - mean but I need a break.
At this point I'm ready to go back to Yogya. Whilst this has been fun and definately a worthwhile experience the lack of freedom and the need to ask permission to go anywhere means I'm beginning to get more than a little claustrophobic.


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