Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pulang ke Yogya

Well the past week has flown by which may have been a bad thing (aku malas dong!).

After a 2 hour stopover in Jakarta turned into a four hour without food or water (unheard of here) when we touched down in Yogya Sophie and I were drained but happy, Yogya trully has become our home and we were excited to be back. I ended up staying at Sophie's house all week because her housemates have not returned yet and my kos was completely deserted - when you live in a house with about 17 others you expect at least one of them to be home.

After an early night (by indo standards) we indulged in a Western Food hit with Fikri and his friends at a place called Parsley. Parsley is a bakery with a restaurant serving a combination of Western and Indonesian food attached to the back. It's interesting to say the least - many people dont like it because it's rather mahal by Indonesian standards and it has a slight mosquito problem but the food's nice enough and sometimes you just need that Western fix, especially because a lot of indonesian food is digoreng (fried) and Yogya food is renown for it manis flavour which involves copious amounts of sugar.

Monday was full of PR as I had a lot of it due on Tuesday for a unit i'm doing called Bahasa Indonesia Riset (Indonesian research) - YES I actually do go to Uni occasionally. This unit is designed for people going to Malang to do field research for a semester (I may be doing this). Basically you're given a research superviser for 6 months and you have weekly assignment associated with the 20 page research paper and presentation you have to produce at the end of semester - it's going to be tough work (I've never written a 20 page assignment in my life and writing it in  another language arghhh) but I think the challenge will be worth it when I have a tangible research paper to show for it and will help for my honours, which i'm planning to do in Indonesia.

However, after two classes on Tuesday Uni was done for the week because normal Uni courses had a break for two weeks for Lebaran so it was a bit of a party week. Our quiet Wednesday drinks turned into a pretty heavy night. A ridiculously drunken Sophie, a trashy Steph and me and a rare appearance of  Nathan (and lots of peanuts on the floor) the night was complete.

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