Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Jalan-Jalan di Desa Mangunan

Last Saturday was a hectic day of travel, touring, crazy farming adventures and off-road cycling. A couple of days ago Sina asked me to go on a promotion tour for Sheraton hotel where we would go to a village and participate in various activities and get dressed up as wayang kulit (unfortunately I couldn’t get dressed up as a wayang kulit but I’ll save it for another day). Being who I am I immediately said yes and hence why I ended up in Mangunan Village yesterday acting crazy. It was all completely set up for them to photograph and tape us but it turned into a fun, but long, day.

It all started at 8am yesterday where we got picked up and chauffeured to the Sheraton Hotel. There we got to indulge a bit in some Western Breakfast (for me this was fruit salad and yoghurt) before we were taken up to a room to get dressed up as wayang kulit. Unfortunately only two girls could be dressed up this time so I missed out but it was a laugh to watch - especially the boys who ended up wearing sarongs, make-up and weird fake ears.

We then preceeded to go to the village where I watched the dressed up people struggle to dance in their costumes and then go to a school where the boys were ask to play soccer with the kids. Meanwhile, I was sitting around being amused by all these happenings. 

After the school visit, a change of clothes and a quick snack we were lead across a river (we walked through it) to a field that we were to help plough and then plant with beras (rice). Well my insatiable need to get muddy (and boredom) meant I was the first volunteer to get muddy. So, there I was buried to my knees in mud leading a buffalo, in Javanese, through the field. Everyone who was game then had their turn and all of a sudden it was my turn again, this time i got to ride the plough......

After that we helped sew some rice in the field and it was off again to wash the buffalo. Well that didn't go over well with the rest of the bules and again I was to lead the pack in washing the buffalos. After growing bored, I decided it was time for someone else to do the work so may have started a bit of a war....oops.

After washing the buffalo we were hurried off to chase ducks in a waste deep pond of water. Not as fun as it sounds because we were blind folded and I felt stupid - especially since i managed to fall into the only deep part of the pond. Even stupider when I realised my spare closed did not include underwear so had to go without for the rest of the day. 

After that it started to rain so we had lunch and a bit of a rest whilst playing indonesian boardgames with the local kids.

Next it was off to another desa and cross-country cycling back - for me the best part of the day. Totally beat we returned home and fell asleep early.

Planting Rice

Washing the Cows

Chasing Ducks

Chasing Ducks

Wet Wet Wet

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